Crystal Meanings

Agate- A grounding stone that is both soothing and calming. it brings great strength and facilitates acceptance of oneself and builds self confidence. it encourages speaking ones truth, assists in overcoming negativity.

Amethyst- An extremely powerful and protective stone. Teaches us how to access and follow our intuition. Helps one feel focused and facilitates the decision making process. Enhances memory and improves motivation. Use amethyst to balance highs and lows and to promote emotional centering.

Aquamarine- This is a stone of courage and fortitude.
Provides peace, tranquility and serenity. Said to be effective as a treatment for anxiety. Excellent to help enhance communication skills. A highly creative stone, which provide you the strength you need to take responsibility for yourself in life.

Bloodstone- Is a powerful healer. It heightens intuition and increases creativity. A grounding and protecting stone, it is an excellent revitalizer. Bloodstone calms the mind and helps with the decision making process.  It reduces irritability, aggressiveness and impatience. 

Carnelian- Heals the body’s sacral center for creative and emotional energies. Provides a deeper appreciation with one’s body. Greater connection with friends and lovers and reduction of guilty feelings. More spontaneous, energetic and motivated individual. 

Chalcedony- The bright blue color of blue chalcedony has the calming effect of the ocean. Allows you to speak your truth with confidence and ease. If you are not sure exactly what your truth is, allow the energetic qualities of this stone to speak to you.

Chakra Balancing- There are 7 main Chakras, located in a line aligned with the spine. The crown of the head, third eye, throat, heart, solar plexus, sacral, and root. Each chakra corresponds to a gemstone that helps to heal and balance that chakra. When the Chakras are functioning properly, the body’s physical & subtle energies are in balance and harmony.

Citrine- Associated with prosperity, success and abundance. Promotes optimism and encourages harmony in the home and work environments. Excellent stone to stimulate the third chakra (solar plexus or power center). Promotes joy, good fortune, energy and vitality.

Coral- Reconnect with nature. Attracts love and prosperity. Brings inner peace, optimism and peace. Aids in understanding of purpose.

Red Coral- aids conception, pregnancy, fertility
Black Coral- male fertility
White Coral- psychic development

Diamond- A symbol of purity and amplifier of energy. Will pinpoint anything that is negative and requires transformation. Effective when used with other crystals for healing as it enhances their power. Bonds relationships, bringing love and clarity into a partnership. The stone of manifestation, attracting abundance. Also imparts fearlessness, invincibility, and fortitude. Clears emotional and mental pain, reduces fear and brings about new beginnings.

Druzy Stone- These tiny crystal formations provide a joyous healing energy. Energizes your aura and promotes creativity. Helps promote inner strength. It is believed to encourage ideas or thought forms to grow.

Emerald- A symbol of love and good fortune. Used for abundance, growth, peace, harmony, patience, love, fidelity and honesty. Provides inspiration and helps those in need of balance, healing, and infinite patience. Lifts depression, helps with insomnia, knowingness of the heart and peaceful dreams. Helps the wearer gain physical, emotional, and mental equilibrium.

Fire Agate- Deeply connected to the Earth, with strong grounding powers. Provides a calming energy, bringing security and safety. Strongly protective, especially during difficult times. Stimulates vitality on all levels, allowing the body to “mellow out” and achieve extreme relaxation. Dissolves fear, eliminates cravings and dispels destructive desires.

Fluorite- Is a highly protective gemstone and can help overcome chaos. Stabilizes & cleanses the aura. Draws off negative energies and stress of all kind. Dissolves fixed patterns & ideas, helping to see the bigger picture.

Garnet- Powerfully energizing and regenerating. Balances energy, bringing serenity or passion as appropriate. Inspires love and devotion. A useful stone to have in a crisis. Brings courage and hope into seemingly hopeless situations. Opens the heart and bestows self confidence.

Goldstone- The stone of ambition and drive with a gently uplifting quality. A good deflector of unwanted energies, therefore is a protection stone. A transmitter stone which helps convey or receive as a medium. Goldstone is helpful to the solar plexus chakra. 

Green Aventurine- Benefits in all areas of creativity and imagination, as well as intellect and mental clarity. Enhances prosperity and brings career success. A gentle stone energetically that gives a sense of calm and balance and enhances happiness. Helps one to see alternatives and potentials in all situations.

Hematite- A strong stone which grounds and protects. Endows us with courage, strength and vitality. Dissolves negativity. Boosts self-esteem and survivability.
Enhances willpower and imparts confidence. Stimulates concentration and focus.

Howlite- Is an aid to insomnia, especially when caused by an overactive mind. Formulates ambitions and aids in achieving them. Extremely calming, excellent antidote to insomnia. Provides wisdom and insight. Formulates ambitions, both spiritual and material and aids in achieving them. 

Iron Pyrite- An excellent energy shield. Blocks out negative energy and pollutants. Taps into abilities and potential, stimulating the flow of ideas. Promotes diplomacy. Relieves anxiety and frustration, boosts confidence, and improves memory and recall.

Jade- Is a symbol of purity and serenity. Increases love and nurturing.
Believed to attract good luck and friendship. A protective stone which keeps the wearer from harm and brings harmony.

Jasper- Known as the “supreme nurturer.” Sustains and supports during times of stress bringing tranquility and wholeness. Reminds people to help each other. Absorbs negative energy and cleanses and aligns the chakras and the aura. Aids quick thinking, and promotes organizational abilities and seeing projects through. Stimulates the imagination and transforms ideas into actions.

Labradorite- Iridescent labradorite is a highly mystical and protective stone, a bringer of light. Raises consciousness and connects with universal energies. Stimulates intuition and psychic gifts. Banishes fears and insecurities and strengthens faith in the self and trust in the universe.

Lapis Lazuli- Quickly releases stress, bringing deep peace and serenity. Encourages taking charge of life. Reveals inner truth and aids self awareness. Allows self-expression without holding back. It teaches the value of active listening. A protective stone which assists in contacting spirit guardians.

Malachite- This is a protective and powerful stone. It is a stone of transformation. It is believed by some people that it is still evolving and will be one of the most important healing stones of the new millennium. It grounds spiritual energies onto the planet. On the heart it brings balance and harmony.

Moldavite- makes one aware of the source of illness or dis-ease and supports in the release and healing of this ailment. This very rare stone has been used as and amulet and talisman to bring the wearer good luck and fortune. It can also be used to charge other stones bringing them to their highest vibration. 

This beautiful stone is rare, found only in Czechoslovakia, and is named for the area in which it is found, near the Moldau River (called the Vltava in Czech). While scientists differ in theories regarding Moldavite's origin, nearly all agree its formation coincides with the crash of a large meteorite approximately 14.8 million years ago in what is now the Bohemian plateau. The rock metamorphosed by the heat of impact created a strew field of Moldavite in the two, mostly rural, areas of Bohemia and Moravia. Farmers often turned up the stones when plowing their fields, while other specimens worked their way to the surface after spring thaw or heavy rains in the fall.

Moonstone- Claimed to promote long life and happiness. Is said to attract friendship and loyalty towards the wearer. Provides peace of mine and accessibility to one’s inner self. Helps soothe and balance emotions.

Obsidian- Impels us to grow and lends solid support while we do so. Works extremely fast and with great power. Strongly protective, forming a shield against negativity.

Onyx- Has served as a worry stone for centuries. Has the ability to soothe fears & worries & controls overwhelming emotions. Provides a positive outlook in times of stress. Enhances self control and stimulates the power of wise decision making. Onyx is grounding & can be used to deflect or absorb the negativity of others.

Opal- A delicate stone with a fine vibration. Associated with love, passion, desire and eroticism. Aids in accessing and expressing one’s true self. Enhances self-worth.

Pearl- Considered the mother stone. Fosters motherly love and maternal bliss. Inspires purity, innocence, serenity, tranquility and focus. Helps us get in touch with the simple, honest things in life. Said to ensure good health and longevity. Attracts wealth and protection.

Quartz- Considered “master healer”. Excellent for unblocking energy or treating any condition. Helps to facilitate growth & awareness. Excellent stone for meditation & brings clarity to the wearer. It also enhances communication with your Higher Self & Spirit Guides.

Rose Quartz- Used for opening your heart’s center & healing your emotions. Enhances tenderness &kindness & encourages us to be loving, peaceful & gentle. Emanating unconditional love, it helps in attracting  positive, gentle energy into one’s life.

Ruby- Brings integrity, devotion, happiness and romantic love. Enhances generosity and brings prosperity. A stone that has been known to be very protective of home, worldly possession, and children. It is a stone of high energy and power that promotes healing on all levels.

Rutilated Quartz- Is an illuminator for the soul, promoting spiritual growth. It cleanses and energizes the aura. Draws off negative energy and disease, letting go of the past. Rutilated Quartz gives protection against the ill thoughts of others. Rutilated Quartz relieves fears, phobias and anxiety.

Sapphire- A symbol of sincerity, truth, and faithfulness. Enhances creative expression, knowledge, intellect, clarity, inspiration, memory, and intuition. Helpful in the elimination of unpleasant thoughts, encourages love, generosity, loyalty, communication, and opens the mind to beauty.

Serpentine- It clears the chakras and stimulates the crown chakra, opening psychic abilities. Serpentine assists the conscious direction of healing energy toward problem areas. It corrects mental and emotional imbalances, helping you to feel more in control of your life.

Smokey Quartz- Excellent for removing negative energy of any kind & transforming it to positive energy. A very protective, grounding & comforting stone. Enhances survival instincts. Can help one reach personal & business goals. Assists in making wishes come true.

Sodalite- Opens spiritual perception. Helps you to remain true to yourself and stand up for your beliefs. Eliminates mental confusion. Brings emotional balance and calms panic attacks. it can transform a defensive or oversensitive personality, releasing core fears, phobias, guilt and control mechanisms that hold you back from becoming who you truly are.

Sunstone- A joyful, light-inspiring stone. Heightens intuition and brings a sweetness to life and helps you to nurture yourself. stimulates self-healing powers regulates the autonomic nervous system, and harmonizes all the organs. 

Tiger Eye- Most recognized for bringing money, protection, courage and luck. Builds confidence & clear thinking & speaking. Allows us to recognize both our talents & our faults. Helps change anxiety & fear into practicality & logic. A stone for people who need more confidence to accomplish their goals. Draws helpful people & material things to the wearer.

TourmalineA powerful healer, Tourmaline balances all the chakras, transforming dense energy into a lighter vibration. Aids in the understanding of oneself and others, encouraging empathy. Promotes self-confidence, banishing fears and doubt. Attracts inspiration, compassion, tolerance and prosperity.

Turquoise- A very sacred stone used for centuries by the Native American’s in all healing work. A stone of peace, serenity and tranquility.
Increases protection, wisdom, balance, honest communication, strength, friendship and love. Beneficial for the entire body, especially the respiratory and immune system. Helps improve all diseases.

Watermelon Tourmaline- “Super Activator” of the heart chakra. Helps to overcome emotional upset. Can generate love, tenderness & friendship. Increases self confidence and helps diminish fears. Said to provide protection from all physical dangers. Assists understanding of circumstances & expressing intentions clearly while finding the joy in any situation.

Unakite- a stone of vision. It balances emotions with spirituality. facilitates rebirthing, bringing to light and integrating insights from the past about the causes of blockages and gently releasing conditions that inhibit spiritual and physiological growth.

Vanadanite- has a strong connection with the "earth chakra". Helps to ground the soul into the physical body and assisting it being comfortable in the earth environment. Vanadanite is an aid to meditation, and has been used to direct awareness.

Varascite- is a stone of encouragement. opens the heart chakra and brings hope, courage and unconditional love into the situation. Extremely helpful for past-life exploration. Facilitates moving out of deep despair and into a position of hope and trust in the universe. 

Zeolite- absorbs toxins and odors benefits agriculture and gardening when used in agriculture. Used a as a Reiki stone aids in attunement to the energies and enhance the response to healing. 

Zincite- is a powerful stone that synthesizes physical energy and personal power with creativity. This stone attracts abundance at a physical spiritual level. Can aid in the manifestation process and reenergize depleted energy systems.

Dyamen Namer

Dyamen Namer is a Bay Area native. Growing up in Oakland and Berkeley, he has been exposed to fitness, movement, and martial arts since childhood. His primary influence is his father, who is a renowned professional boxer, martial artist, and fitness enthusiast. His Pops instilled the cultural importance of discipline, holistic health, and wellness. It is in this childhood home that Dyamen developed his first love: multidimensional wellness (mind, heart, body, soul).

Since his youth and under the guidance of Master Secrease, Dyamen studied Tae Kwon Do. He holds a third degree Black Belt and has studied martial arts for over three decades. It is in the dojo that Dyamen nurtured his second love: discipline and movement.

Dyamen graduated from UCLA with his degree in Sociology and a minor in African American Studies. Delving deeper into the intersectionality of race, class, and gender, Dyamen explored the ways health and joy is an act of liberation—esp for marginalized communities. Through his own practice, he also explored the relationship between Black men and meditation, stillness, + breath. It is in college that the seed for Dyamen’s third love blossomed: that for community.

After a motorcycle accident left him with fractures in his spine, he began to practice yoga to aid his recovery. Noticing the physical and mental benefits in his recovery, he decided to become an instructor to share the benefits of this ancient art. On the yoga mat, all of Dyamen’s three loves—wellness, movement, plus community—align and intersect. He is 500hr yoga certified in multiple modalities, teaching since 2019. Dyamen’s classes are sequenced intentionally, focusing on breath to movement, hip mobility, and form.

When not on the yoga mat, Dyamen is a full time public middle school teacher.